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So, you're here now. As I've used this website for a few things over the years,

here's the quick rundown on what I've got posted now.

Hi, my name's Sam, and I've got an odd habit of bouncing back and forth

between a wide variety of projects. I'm a YouTuber who used to make a

lot of videos on Team Fortress 2. I'm a Twitch streamer who only streams

every now and then but whose affinity for rolling D20s for no particular

reason remains solid despite the time passed. I'm an author of short stories

in a SciFi setting of my own creation. I'm a writer and developer in a few

game modding projects. I'm a community leader in a Discord server I'm

only mostly active in. And I'm aware you're probably getting tired of all these

self-centered "I'm" statements so I'll stop doing that now.

So, first and most likely reason why you're here is to take a look at some of the stuff

I've written over the years. If you're in a bookish mood, you've come to the right place!

Click the button below to proceed to my own personal literature hub, with entries from

my SciFi setting, some Fallout-setting HOI4 submodding, and a few college entries.

Ooh, and also some good book recommendations if you're interested in something I thought was cool!

...Alright, so you're still here, which means you're not here for some storytelling.

What else can I offer you?


Well, maybe you just got turned around the wrong way and you're trying to find your

way back on over to the YouTube channel. If you're feeling lost, how about this button?

Ok, ok. So you're actually here for a reason, and that reason isn't just for some

bedtime storytelling. Hm. Well, before we get back to troubleshooting what you're

actually here for, here's the rest of my easy links. We have a decently-active long-term

Discord community, I have a Patreon page if you're ever in the mood to throw

some cash my way as thanks for a video that made you chuckle or a story well told,

obviously there's the Twitch channel I stream on, and if you're REALLY feeling bored

I have a second channel for some slop content. Y'know, if you're just desperate.

Buttons below!


​Alright, assuming you're not here for any of that, I don't know what else to do with you.

For privacy reasons I'm not gonna just start posting personal information on here or

anything, so that's off the table. If you need to contact me for any reason, do it by

Discord; my DMs are open and if it's something serious I probably won't ghost you.


Username: samwiz1

Pretty obvious. :)

Right, all that said and done, whether you're here because you're an old fan or you're

here to see my writing projects or for any other reason, thanks for

stopping by. It's a beautiful day outside, and even if it's not, it's a lovely day to love.

Try some of that.

See you around! 🌅

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